Online European Roulette Strategy

Online European Roulette Strategy 8,9/10 8015 reviews

Ah, the wonderful world of Roulette, an intoxicatingly exciting example of how good gambling in a real-life physical casino can still be, even in the face of the seemingly endless extent to online casino’s expansion. You just cannot beat the game’s dynamic nature, and there is no wonder its popularity increased so quickly after its development in the 19th Century.

One thing that many gambling novices fail to realize is that modern Roulette actually comes in two different, albeit incredibly similar, forms. You have European Roulette, and then you have American Roulette, the only difference being that those yanks have included an extra 0 value on the wheel. This may not seem like much, but it actually has pretty dramatic consequences on the odds of winning, and will accordingly change the way you place your bets. Let’s take a look at some of the most popular European Roulette betting strategies and learn more.

Online European Roulette Strategy Games Pc

European roulette strategy. Roulette is a game of chance, which means even if you have heard of a fantastic sounding roulette strategy, your chances of winning are the same no matter what strategic move you make. It’s important to remember that roulette is entirely luck based and every player has the same chance of winning.

  1. Strategy to Win in European Roulette You may find different guides online claiming to offer tricks or cheats to win the roulette game but they’re all fake. Roulette is a game entirely based on luck and there’s nothing you can do to influence the outcome of the spins. So, there’s no need to try to play tricks to cheat the casino.
  2. An interesting European roulette strategy that usually works perfectly is the Martingale winning strategy. This system requires patience and organization in order to reap maximum benefit. It usually results in profits or the retaining of your initial money if you are having a bad day. How does it work?

The Martingale Betting Strategy

For one reason or another the Martingale betting strategy has emerged as one of the most famous ones when it comes to European Roulette, probably because of its inherent simplicity and easiness to understand. Fundamentally it works like this – choose a value you wish to bet on using your own intuition and then await the result. If you have lost you will double your bet for the next round, keeping it the same if you win.

Now, the overall aim of the Martingale betting strategy is to make sure you are winning back any losses you make over the course of your gambling session. Whilst this is undeniably true if you have an almost limitless budget, it can seriously go against you if not. Think about it: if you are doubling your bet after every loss you could well end up quite far into the red. It is a good strategy, but it is definitely worth being sensible with.

Online European Roulette Strategy

The Fibonacci Betting Strategy

Most people will be at least a little familiar with the Fibonacci sequence, a mathematical trope that has been used for centuries. It goes like this – 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 etc., essentially working on the principle that the next number in the sequence is always the sum of the two preceding it. Lots of Roulette gamblers like to use this to help them place their bets, and it can often pay dividends.


So, say you start off with a £10 bet, if you lose this place another £10. If you lose this one, however, it is time to use the Fibonacci sequence and place £20 down. This tactic is similar to the Martingale strategy in that you will be raising your bet after each loss, and you should therefore be wary of it.

The Paroli

This one is pretty much the opposite of the Martingale strategy, in that you double your bet after every win, instead of every loss. Obviously this can come with its own complications, but one thing it will do is stop you sliding too far into the red.

Online Roulette Tips That Will Help You Win More

Online roulette is perhaps one of the bestgambling games out there. You can bet on your favorite number combination andpossibly make a killing. Playing online roulette can be as simple andstraightforward as it gets. There are, however, a few tips and tricks you canuse to make tons of money over the long haul.

Here are the top ten online roulette tipsyou don’t want to miss out on:

Increase the Odds for a Big Win on The Inside by Playing Multiple Numbers

Something most roulette players don’talways realize is that you can bet on much more than just one number. In fact,you can bet on several specific numbers to boost your odds on the inside. So,while you might be shelling out extra money to place markers on the inside,having four to eight chances of hitting the 35:1 odds, means that one win letsyou free roll for at least four to eight spins depending on how many numbersyou choose.

Or of course, you can play several numbersnear each other on the roulette board with a single bet. The payout might notbe as high as that of hitting a single number. It will, however, be higher thanwhen playing the outside. It is perhaps the smartest online roulette strategyyou can use, and a strategy that many players enjoy.

Play the Outside to Slowly Build Your Bankroll

If you feel like slowly trying to buildyour bankroll and lower the odds of losing large amounts of money on everyspin, then the outside is the place for you. Remember, inside and choosingsingle numbers means you’re dealing with a 35 to 1 bet. Therefore, dropping$100 on a single number may not be the best option, especially if you don’thave a lot to work with.

Playing the outside like betting the red,black, odd, or even, gives you a nearly 50/50 chance of landing the winning bet.This is why so many people enjoy online roulette; because they can play theoutside at minimum stakes and for several hours straight without having toworry about losing all their bankroll.

Play European Roulette

If you’re looking for online roulette tipsto boost your chances of winning, this is it. European roulette has slightlyhigher chances of winning than its American counterpart and you might not befamiliar with the European game if you are new to online roulette.

The difference? European roulettedisregards the double zero found in American online roulette games. In otherwords, there is one fewer spot for the ball to land in that can hurt your paid.This seemingly minor difference in the game variations significantly improvesyour chances of hitting evens, odds, or even your favorite color. 

Remember Your Betting Strategy

With time, you’ll realize that there isn’ta single guide to online roulette that will win you those big bucks repeatedly.Instead, one of the smartest things you can do while at a table is simply toremember your betting strategy.

Some adhere to the betting strategy whereyou lower your bet each time you win and double it when you lose. Others preferthe opposite where they lower their bet each time they lose, and raise thevalue of the bet whenever they win, hoping to take advantage of a hot streak.

But where a decent number of players get introuble is changing their strategy all the time so they can never rememberwhich strategies worked and which strategies were failures. The key to bettingis consistency, in both winning and losing. If you are keeping with the samebetting strategy and it is working, great! Leave it be. However, the inverse isalso true; If you have one strategy and find that it is causing you to lose,well it’s easier to remember what didn’t work and you can feel free to switchit up. Just remember to remember what betting strategies you used when playingonline roulette.

Learn Everything About Online Roulette in Pennsylvania Before Playing

Practice makes perfect when it comes toonline roulette betting. This is the one common ground that great rouletteplayers have; they know everything about the game and how it works. You too canbecome an expert by studying and then eventually playing the game.

One of the worst feelings in the world islosing money at a casino and not understanding why it happened. Therefore, it’snot the best practice to just dive into online roulette betting and risk losingyour bankroll without clearly understanding what you’re getting yourself into.Know how the wheel works first before investing large sums of money into it.

Online european roulette strategy games

Try Multiplayer Roulette

As with most online games, playing onlineroulette doesn’t necessarily mean you play alone. If anything, some of the bestonline roulette strategies and developments occur from learning how othersplay. You can learn a lot from watching other players, even borrow tricks fromtheir gaming tactics.

Online European Roulette Strategy Rules

That’s what makes online multiplayerroulette so great. You’ll still be playing against the house. Only that otherplayers will be at the table with you too and it will feel like you’re at areal casino.

Play at Only Reputable Casinos

It doesn’t matter which internet rouletteguide you use. None of it will do you any good if the casino you be playingfrom isn’t reputable. There are several safe casinos that you can use to placebets and win big and we detail them all in our review section.

Remember, however, that not all onlineroulette casinos as honest, reputable, or safe. Ensure, therefore, that you’reonly gaming from a trusted platform. Most trusted roulette gaming casinos havemobile applications that you can download for free and try out these onlineroulette tips.

Always Save A Percentage of Your Profits

All great bettors will tell you not to begreedy with your winnings. Yes! You’ll have good days where you win four orfive spins in a row. However, if you keep staking everything, there’s alwaysthe chance that losing numbers will pop up sooner or later.

If you keep doing this and don’t know whento say stop, you’ll eventually end up losing all your winnings. Be smart aboutyour betting. Set aside some portion of each win before you place another betor give yourself a number that once you go beyond, you put away as definitewins. If you do this, even when you fall back below that number, you’ll know itis time to stop and you can walk away knowing you’ve come out on top for theday.

How to Deal with Roulette Losses

Like other forms of betting and gambling,online roulette relies completely on luck. There’s no skill or talent involvedhere. That makes it both frustrating and fun to play as you never know whatgoing to happen.

The key to enjoying the game is to accept whateveroutcome there is. Even expert players who make predictions and spot trendsremain in the hands of lady luck. Roulette is an entirely random game, and youmust learn to accept that. So, if you have a bad day, just chalk it up as a badday and realize you can always come back tomorrow to try your luck again. Yes,it is important to know how to act when you are winning, but it is even moreimportant to know what to do when you are losing.
